Sunday, November 12, 2006

Will the USA be conquered by the Lamanites as prophesied?

Several times, in the Book of Mormon, threats are made that if the gentils living in all of the Americas don't get right spiritually the Lamanites will come in upon them and take over. In 3 Nephi chapter 16 Jesus makes this threat also. Towards conclusion (in verse 17) he even declares this has been prophesied to occur. In other words he is proposing (as it reads to me) that the Gentiles aren't going to take sufficient notice of this warning. Beside this prophesies abound in regard to serious problems in the last days everywhere.
Questions arise. Such as, how good is our relationship with God to help us through these types of problems soon to occur within the world? Is our communication with the Holy Ghost as it should be to be warned when and where to flee, if cut off from things? It isn't a very comforting thought, but then prophesies often aren't. Also, how will this effect members outside the USA?
What do you think about this warning, and its consequences?


  1. I do not believe that the USA will be conquered by the Lamanites. The reason I say this is that the gentiles (the whites) have made peace with the Lamanites and are helping them out even delivering unto them the gospel. America is slowly establishing itself as a true free and equal society. The work of the Lord is spreading as rapidly as ever by the hand of this Gentile nation. I believe that we have not come under the curse spoken of. I do believe however that we came very close at times by slaughtering the Indians to the point of almost extinction in some tribes.

    I further believe that this country has recieved plenty of chastisement from the Lord for doing the evil it committed back in the 17 and 1800's. We have went through droughts, plagues, and many natural disasters as a testimony of our disobedience, but I do not believe that the Lamanites will conquer us.

  2. Well, since the lamanites also include much of South America and southern North America (Mexico), I wonder if tensions will increase between the US and Mexico because of the wall we are putting up between the two counries. I hadn't thought of this until I just read your entry. Very interesting thoughts.

  3. I agree with you, Rob, that the gospel spreading has certainly kept the world from falling into total war and chaos. There is a lot of truth to this positive side that you point out. And, hopefully we will avoid these problems.
    But on the other side of it some issues have me wondering. The amount of murders by abortion make the Aztec rituals seem mild. Sex outside of marriage is just commonplace: Romance movies almost always involve sex outside marriage. Gender thinking distortions are rife. Divorce is common. The love of many has certainly "waxed cold". The increase of these things seem to pose a serious concern to me in regard this prophesy.

  4. You are right Doug, but I think it must be remembered that we as yet have not descended to the point of casting our prophets in prison and killing the saints and prophets. In fact I do not see it happening anytime soon.

    There are a lot of abortions and such but I believe it is a small minority and that most people in this country are trying to hold to good christian values.

  5. It's an interesting question as to the results of the wall, Ian. It doesn't help relations when people start putting up walls, does it? Some actions solve one problem but seem to create more.

  6. It's definitely relieving that people aren't kill us. And I agree with you, Rob, that things will get a lot worse yet. But Christs requirements for this prophesy to happen are outlined in 3 Nephi 16:10 and don't include killing prophets or us. The question here would seem to be, just how "Christian" are people? What criteria of judgement are we using? I believe I heard a conservative estimate of at least a million abortions a year in the US alone. While that may not be as bad as some countries per person, that is a lot of people.
    How powerful are secret combinations?
    A change in how people are thinking seems to be reflected in James Bond movies. Here we have the same character but now revenge mentality is the order of the day. People are using "Christianity" as an excuse for this. Hearts have moved away from compassion for offenders and moved to revenge. There seems to be so much "we've got to get 'em" mentality.
    But there are many good things and we should continue to encourage righteous behaviour.

  7. The wall is a good thing it keeps bad people from infiltrating our society. The mexican government is very corrupt. I watched a show last year where if you have money you can commit any crime or get out of any jail sentnece. Poor people there are so afraid of the government and the gadianton robbers who control it.

  8. From my own observations of such things (and I've seen far more than I would like to have) that sort of idea only works to some degree. Often, in fact, it can produce great difficulties for those who mean no harm.
    But on the other side it will stop some with bad intentions (generally those small time crooks). But the big time ones just find another way of doing things and roll on regardless. Unfortunately the only real solution is what Christ did: Try to change people.
    I agree with the thrust of your comment, however, that you have to be careful that those you allow into your country have the desire to uphold the principles that keep a nation free.

  9. (Mormon 5:24 )(3Ne20:15-16) (3Ne16:9-10)
    There could be multiple interpretations of this prophecy:
    1. Families are torn apart if they reject the gospel message.
    2. US politics is divided over the issue of immigration.
    3. US government may fall apart into tribal groups like in Book of Mormon times.
    4. Missionaries may be taken from certain Gentile(European) countries to focus on other fruitful areas.

  10. Thanks for the thoughts BRoz. I had thought about the question of whether this could be a peaceful taking over. Such as by business success or intigration to the point that a Lamanite becomes president. These seem nice ways of seeing it. But I think just a bit too optimistic. The statements seem very heavy. Suggesting violence on large scale.
    I'm still very open on the subject, and was curious as to what responses would say.
