Wednesday, November 15, 2006

How does the brain affect our thinking?

In the 1960's some scientists made an exact replica of a brain, and still haven't got any thought out of it. We know that we are an intelligence. Yet when people lose a bit of brain they can have difficulty doing things. Two people can lose the same bit of brain matter and one may walk again and the other not. Also one girl was born with absolutely no brain whatsoever and yet lived for 27 days. An autopsy revealed only a liquid where the brain should be.
I saw a special on all these people in Europe who were born with less than normal brain (many not even having the so-called "human section" which is supposed to be why we are superior to apes). Yet all these people were perfectly normal.
However if someone suddenly loses a part or a part is suppressed by medicine then problems occur. This leads me to feel that our intelligence has to respond to changes where the brain suffers problems. And this is obviously a large challenge.


  1. There is a difference between having no brain and having no nervous system.

    There is also a difference between a living and a non-living brain.

    Scientists have never made a complete and exact replica of any living brain.

    There is also a difference between being born without the "human-section" of the brain and being born without the part of the brain which USUALLY corresponds to the "human-section" in a normally developed person.

    Your post simply shows a staggering lack of understanding as to how the brain functions.

  2. Thanks for your comments jeff g and welcome to the site. The studies I saw of people with less than normal brain showed the actual scan of their brain. One had a brain the size of a coin. These people were doing all normal brain functions within the area available to them. As surely as some people are born with limbs etc missing or shortened so it is with brains. These people actually had brain missing.
    As to the replica of a brain, I was told that by my science teacher of the time (as he had read it in some science journal). He assured me that they would have the brain up and thinking in no time.
    While I take your point in regard the human-section of the brain, I didn't say that the intelligence doesn't compensate by making a part of the brain that it has, do the same functions. Perhaps I should have been more clear there. Thanks for the point.
