Friday, June 10, 2011

What Evidences Do I Have that the Scriptures and Church are True?

In my time in the church I have heard many arguments against it. I also have heard atheists speak against all our Scripture, including the Bible. Many ask me why a person, educated as I am, believes such notions? And they will pose the question of proof.

Yet their attitude in asking the question demonstrates that they aren't really interested in hearing it answered. It just becomes a cliche. And therefore when I answer it they didn't want to hear that, and so dispel it as more strange notions.

Many try to discredit the church by making claims of discrepancies in Egyptology, DNA, "modern science" and interpretations of Biblical texts. Also attempts are made at sensationalizing, claims of plagiarism and changes of opinions among general authorities of the church. Then there are claims against Joseph Smith or Brigham Young.

While all these things can be answered, what is my knowledge, of an outward nature, that the church is really what it says it is? Where is the evidence justifying my faith?

Man has tried to explain truth in science, literature, philosophy, psychology and religion. Yet all man's efforts don't bring true answers that really solve social, economic and psychological problems. Nor do they make sense when deeply analyzed. Man also gets lost in many areas of unscientific "science" falsely so called. Psychologists tell us that anger is normal and good. While Christ tells us it is extremely bad.

So who is right? Is Christ correct, or psychologists? The answers to these types of questions stand as a testimony to me of the correctness of Scripture, the divine direction given to prophets and apostles in the Scriptures, and the importance of them in my life.

I have found that being angry with people distorts true judgment. Not only for the issue, but it seems to affect many other decisions I make. Getting rid of anger brings a peace to my heart. One for Christ. Minus one for man's psychology.

Joseph Smith claimed revelation that we have sinned by our eighth birthday and therefore require baptism. At some time while 7 I started to feel terrible when I did something wrong. I had never heard this doctrine at that age, and hadn't even heard of Joseph Smith. Yet what he says he was inspired with was true. One for Joseph Smith.

He also claimed revelation that we are an intelligence and that is light and truth. He additionally said that as we sin so we lose light and truth. In other words we lose our existence to some degree. The more I have followed God's instructions the more I have felt life in me. This testifies to the truth of what Joseph Smith has stated.

Additionally I have noted my ability to think clearly improves when reading the Book of Mormon. Many things in life seem to run better. People respond better overall. I have seen this in the life of others also. I also demonstrated this in the life of a non-member who tried this suggestion. He couldn't deny the amazing changes that had occurred in his life since he began to read that book. Another one for the Scriptures and Joseph Smith.

Jesus Christ tells me not to lust. The world tells me that lust is good. As I have given up lust I have felt much better inside. And my love of others has come out more. Another one for Jesus Christ.

Alma 32 gives a run down on using faith that I have found by experience is perfectly correct in every detail. Another one for the Scriptures and Joseph Smith.

The world tells us that it is good to be rich. The Scriptures tell us it is bad to be rich. I have found the truth again of what the Scriptures say. Financial peace comes through trusting that as you do what God would have you do he will see that you come through whatever financial challenges you face.

Whether it be loving those who abuse you, or whatever concept we have placed before us, I have found God is right and the world is wrong. My logic, through personal experiences, tells me this is impossible, unless this knowledge comes from a source far beyond the intelligence of man.

So I have a myriad of physical evidences of the truth of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, the Scriptures, the LDS church and Joseph Smith.


  1. Anon E. MouseJune 16, 2011

    What are your thoughts on psychology and psychiatry? Do you regard them to be false?

  2. Anon E. Mouse

    I may write a post on the subject. However to put it in a simple answer, let me say that some ideas are true but generally one sided where they are.

  3. AnonymousJuly 27, 2011

    Interesting post. I want to ask and comment on some details here if I may, and I hope you won't think I'm coming off as arrogant, rude, harsh, or otherwise malevolent. Such is not my intention. I consider myself to be a seeker of truth, wherever it may be. There is simply alot of bunk in the world.

    "they will pose the question of proof...Yet their attitude in asking the question demonstrates that they aren't really interested in hearing it answered. It just becomes a cliche. And therefore when I answer it they didn't want to hear that, and so dispel it as more strange notions."

    When they ask for proof, they are wanting proof that will work for you and for them. The proof that you give them likely only works for you. They see things on a different plane. If I were to ask someone how to body build, and how to double my body mass in one year and they tell me, "Eat lots of eggs and lift weights every day", I would immediately dispel this idea because I have tried this, and it does not work for my body type.

    "Many try to discredit the church by making claims of discrepancies in Egyptology, DNA, "modern science" and interpretations of Biblical texts. Also attempts are made at sensationalizing, claims of plagiarism and changes of opinions among general authorities of the church. Then there are claims against Joseph Smith or Brigham Young.

    While all these things can be answered..."

    True, no one really knows what exactly happened in history. We think we have a good idea, but carbon dating, DNA, etc. is not immune to indiscrepancies. The method of carbon dating itself should raise eyebrows and make people wonder if the dates in our history books are accurate. But you say all these things can be answered? In this earth life? How? I discard prayer + revelation only because I have seen that GA's + Prophets can't even agree between themselves (like you mentioned). If this church contains truth, and if the boys up top are truly speaking to God, they would not be confused on such matters UNLESS they were to state specifically that "We asked God, in all honesty, and he told us that we simply weren't ready to know that yet." So far as I have seen, they seem to fumble in the dark, and ultimately steer away from those questions and leave the "evidence-getting" to the apologetics. *continued*

  4. AnonymousJuly 27, 2011

    "Man has tried to explain truth in science, literature, philosophy, psychology and religion. Yet all man's efforts don't bring true answers that really solve social, economic and psychological problems."

    I think I see what you're trying to say - that man has not figured out how to live in a perfect utopia, where obvious logical problems are immediately resolved and everyone works together. But this is where I disagree. Man has figured out how to do it. We know what needs to be done. But it requires huge sacrifice...and presidents, rulers, politicians and other leaders are rarely ever willing to allow such sacrifices to be made for the better good (if they themselves are even concious of what needs to be done). Just because our society isn't perfect or even better than it is, that doesn't mean that "man", as a whole, is to blame. It's more complicated than that.

    "Psychologists tell us that anger is normal and good. While Christ tells us it is extremely bad. So who is right? Is Christ correct, or psychologists?"

    Both are right, and both are wrong. The interesting thing about (legitimate) Psychology is that it is not defined clear enough to be called a "true" science. It is an effort, a step in a good direction, and smart Psycologists know it. Psychology is completely dependent on the person. Saying that anger is normal and good to EVERYONE is a misuse of Psychology. It may alleviate the suffering of some, and it may burden others. Christ, on the other hand, excersised anger (or righteous indignation, depending on a person's opinion) when he threw the moneychangers out of the temple. But he was supposedly perfect, so maybe he gets a pass. The only problem, then, that I find with this is that we are told to do as Jesus does.

  5. AnonymousJuly 27, 2011

    *3rd, last*
    "The answers to these types of questions stand as a testimony to me of the correctness of Scripture, the divine direction given to prophets and apostles in the Scriptures, and the importance of them in my life."

    This is great, and I am truly happy for you. I mean it - hundreds of millions of people are constantly searching for peace and direction. You have found something that works for you. That is huge. This might not, however, work for everyone.

    "Joseph Smith claimed revelation that we have sinned by our eighth birthday and therefore require baptism. At some time while 7 I started to feel terrible when I did something wrong. I had never heard this doctrine at that age, and hadn't even heard of Joseph Smith. Yet what he says he was inspired with was true. One for Joseph Smith."

    One for you. Zero for me. Unfortunately I cannot recall ever feeling guilt until around age 10-11. I've heard others say they felt guilt as early as age 4. Age 8 is a rather ambiguous age, and is simply not an accurate means to determine a person's readiness for baptism. It's no more accurate than carbon dating.

    "Additionally I have noted my ability to think clearly improves when reading the Book of Mormon. Many things in life seem to run better. People respond better overall. I have seen this in the life of others also. I also demonstrated this in the life of a non-member who tried this suggestion. He couldn't deny the amazing changes that had occurred in his life since he began to read that book. Another one for the Scriptures and Joseph Smith."

    No offence, but this kind of made me chuckle. This is very anecdotal. Anyone can pick up a copy of The Giving Tree or Chicken Soup For The Soul and then not be able to deny good feelings and amazing life changes as a result. What, then, separates the Book of Mormon from general inspirational literature?

    "The world tells us that it is good to be rich. The Scriptures tell us it is bad to be rich. I have found the truth again of what the Scriptures say. Financial peace comes through trusting that as you do what God would have you do he will see that you come through whatever financial challenges you face."

    It's never bad to be rich, in my honest opinion. The LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Having faith alone will not pay our bills, and financial peace will never come to us unless we ourselves actually go out and get employment, etc. Therefore, none of us can be sure if God blesses us with financial prosperity or if it is our own efforts only.

    You might insist that the Book of Mormon is the ONLY book by which you receive these "proofs", revelations, feelings, etc., etc., but how can you be sure that the same cookie cutter method works for everyone? Don't Muslims have a similar zeal with the Koran? What makes them wrong? And no, the "All religions have some truth to it" answer will not do it for me, because the LDS church is not concerned with the truth of other religions - it puts out the bold claim that WE are the ONLY church that has the saving ordinances/authority, and therefore it is the only church worth joining.

    I don't have a problem with bold claims like this, not one bit. I just ask that they back it up with more than feelings and anecdotal experiences. Otherwise, everyone's in the dark, friend.

  6. Anonymous

    A good collection of thoughts. Unfortunately I don't quite know where to begin with some of it as the subjects are virtually endless. To answer them all with the depth they need would be a years task - if I had it done by then. So what I'll do is write on psychology and you can comment on that.

    But I'll answer comment 1.

    You are talking of those sincerely interested and I'm talking of those just trying to say that by belief is blind, so they can continue to ignore religion.

    Although my answer about evidence changes from person to person I do keep what you are saying in mind. Yet you are right that I often quote a collection of miracles or experiences where others' involvement can't be demonstrated. People who are as you say don't usually use that cliche in such a way as to close off after speaking.

    You have asked _
    "But you say all these things can be answered? In this earth life? How?"

    The Holy Ghost can assist to see through rubbish and demonstrate the truth. For example you quote carbon dating. While watching a "scientific" program I am assisted to see the contradictions in the claims. This is revelation, but it is provable in the presence of those contradictions.

    As to DNA; it proves nothing that wasn't know when Darwin put forth the idea of evolution of species. Little Jenny at 5 years old could see that both dogs and cats have one head, four legs, two ears etc. Demonstrating similarities in DNA in some chain doesn't present proof in the slightest, as the similarities were never in dispute.

    I could go on and on with these subjects so you would have to be more specific. Yet it is the Spirit that guides me with answers. I have sat before opponents of the church and answered their claims for hours on several occasions. Those with me have been stunned to see that every objection was answered. This is what Christ talked of to his apostles.

    As to GAs it has to be remembered that position doesn't make the man. Look at Caiaphas (President [chief] of the priesthood) and Judas? And we have had enough modern-day GAs with problems. Sadly Bro. Eyering believes in a billions of year old earth, in spite of Scriptural statements to the contrary. And isn't the only GA caught up in the deception of the devil. Yet these men are in service and do many good works.

    There is only 2 men I trust and those are Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

  7. This post was so good it distracted me from wow haha, I need to make some more wow gold now ! amazing post anyway.
