Monday, December 25, 2006

This post is not what it first appears, so please read it through

Are you one of those successful people making the big amount you wish? Are you entirely satisfied with your current life style and its rewards?

You can become one of the top 0.0000000000000000000000000000024 % of people. And its simple. You can apply the same principles that have made those few before you so successful. Is your yearly income less than 300,000? How would you like to learn a way to increase that by 10 times?
You are obviously skeptical. But this can be tried and proven. What's more is I'm going to give it to you completely free. That is right; this great income maker completely free.

Do you realise that many people aren't making any income at all? Year by year some are actually losing 100,000 points or more. Have you been content to sit in the pews and just increase by only 200,000 points, by merely listening to someone else receiving revelation? And saying he'll do it for me, I'll just listen to him?

The secret is simple - Revelation.

You can use this same skill and increase your spiritual points by 3,000,000 points PER ANNUM or MORE. By it Moses freed Israel, Noah preserved the human family, Alma saved the Nephite nation from destruction. And, yes, you heard me right, this amazing gift is completely free. No postage and handling fees either.

Become one of the rare people to actually USE it daily.


  1. Amusing post doug
    In what way are you meaning that revelation should be used? For what?

  2. Firstly we can use it for our everyday situations such as what it is better to buy and when. We should be interested in our fellowman, and be asking about the psychology of life. We should be using it to understand doctrines. We should be using it to help us understand the intent of writers of scripture. We can use it to understand truth and error in things we hear, read or see in the media or in everyday discussion.
